:wave: Hey everyone, we’re very excited to share ...
# announcements
👋 Hey everyone, we’re very excited to share Prefect Core 1.0rc1, our release candidate for Prefect Core 1.0 🎉! Prefect Core has matured into a rock-solid, stable workflow management framework. We hope you’ll help us make sure it’s ready for the official 1.0 release by trying it out and letting us know if it breaks anything for you. 🛠️ Ready to give 1.0rc a spin? Since this is a prerelease, it will not be installed by default. Use 
pip install prefect==1.0rc1
 to try it out. The release is also available in a Docker image at 
. Highlights of this release include: • API keys are the way to authenticate with Prefect Cloud. Support for tokens has been removed. Check the API keys docs for details on moving to keys. • Flow 
 have been removed. Use 
 instead to define where and how a flow run should be executed. We deprecated 
 back in 0.14, but if you’re still using them, you won’t get a warning anymore. We have a guide on upgrading to 
 if you need it. • We’re dropping explicit support for Python 3.6. There are some breaking changes in this release. You can read more about them in the changelog. Otherwise, check out the 1.0 documentation preview or join the discussion on Github. Soon we’ll have topics on migrating to Prefect 1.0 as well. We’re excited about this milestone and thankful to have your support through the process. 🚀
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