Hi everyone. Our company is looking to get some he...
# find-a-prefect-job
Hi everyone. Our company is looking to get some help from a data engineering consultancy in Europe, ideally with some experience with Prefect/DBT/Redshift. Any recommendations would be appreciated. We’re mainly based in the UK. Thanks.
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marvin 5
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Hi Andrew, I work for a Data Consultancy called Oakland Group in the UK, who has experience with using the above technologies: https://www.theoaklandgroup.co.uk/ Happy to have a chat about what you are looking for if you're interested? Or contact us here: https://www.theoaklandgroup.co.uk/get-in-touch/
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Hi Andrew, if you're still looking, my company also has experience with those technologies: https://godatadriven.com/. We're based in Amsterdam, feel free to DM me for more details or use the details on the contact page for direct contact.