Hi team, i have system running some flows using pr...
# prefect-ui
Hi team, i have system running some flows using prefect core. I was looking for a UI to make it more user-friendly and also control the start/stop of flows and easily identify failed tasks/flows. Can I follow the steps at https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui to get the same? Is there anything else that I would need?
Hi @Minakshi! The steps listed in that repo are for meant for development of the Prefect UI. Instead you should take a look at Prefect Server (the self-hosted orchestration stack that you'll need to deploy either locally or to your own cloud servers somewhere) or Prefect Cloud (a Prefect-hosted stack that doesn't require any additional setup outside of what you already have). You can find some information on both here. I'd personally recommend signing up for Prefect Cloud; the amount of work required is far lower than deploying your own stack and it has the benefit of being fully managed by the Prefect team, which means the API and UI are always up to date and all you need to manage are your own execution environments and code. Oh and it's free!
awesome thanks Nicholas! this link https://www.prefect.io/get-prefect/ says that the developer version of Prefect cloud supports only 1 concurrent flow. Does that mean i won't be able to run multiple flows at the same time using the developer version?
That's correct - simultaneous flow runs will be queued however task runs within a flow are not limited in that way.