I have a flow that registered successfully but I g...
# prefect-ui
I have a flow that registered successfully but I get a 404 when I visit the url it is located at
There are some issues with the generation of the URL in edge cases
I don’t see the flow at all in my flow list when I visit the project so issue seems to be that it is actually missing, not just a bad url
Alright! Could you share the output of the registration?
[2021-03-30 184114+0000] INFO - prefect.S3 | Uploading flows/recurring---freedomqa to prefect-dev 2021-03-30 184114,550 [s3.build]: Uploading flows/recurring---freedomqa to prefect-dev Flow URL: https://cloud.prefect.io/kroll-analytics/flow/a40e9308-c80f-47a9-a141-0bb101d35e6b └── ID: efd3ef3e-2745-4043-ac24-c189c50cc76c └── Project: freedomqa_dask └── Labels: ['dev']
Thanks! We're looking into this in the backend
Hey @Andrew Hannigan -- could you give an estimate of the number of tasks in the flow?
Hundreds, probably ~600-800
@Zanie ^
That's quite a lot -- it's possible the registration call is failing to create all of the objects associated with your flow. While testing I've tried to create flows with ~2000 tasks and encountered clear errors but it's possible there's some sort of silent failure. We'll continue to look into this. Is this flow blocking something critical?