Hi. I'm trying my first baby steps with prefect. I...
# prefect-ui
Hi. I'm trying my first baby steps with prefect. I 'm running it in a ubuntu VMware following the protocol from https://docs.prefect.io/core/getting_started/installation.html#running-the-local-server-and-ui, and when accessing via chrome in VM, the UI functions flawlessly (and also the tutorial demos work fine). However, when accessing the same instance from my host with HTTP://myvmhostname:8080 the ui shows up, but reports the error "Connecting to Prefect Server at *null*". Is this intended or a known issue?
Hi @holger brandl - Welcome to Prefect! There's a bit more about UI configuration later on in the docs that I hope might help you: https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/server/deploy-local.html#ui-configuration
Thanks Jenny, I missed that part in the docs. It solved my problem. 🙂
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