Hey folks, I just upgraded from 0.14.12 to 0.14.19...
# prefect-ui
Hey folks, I just upgraded from 0.14.12 to 0.14.19 and now localhost:8080 brings me to Cloud login. I double-checked
prefect backend server
was set and I've also cleared localhost and Prefect cookies to no avail. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
Hi @Nathan Walker - this looks like an issue with the UI image version - we're fixing that and I'll ask you to re-pull the image shortly 🙂
🙌 1
Thank you!
@nicholas - false alarm. I rolled back to 0.14.12 and it still happened there. I tried on a different browser to the same effect. I eventually nuked all my browser cache and the UI worked properly. I re-upgraded to 0.14.19 and it's working great.
Hm that's super odd - we did stop caching some of those settings somewhat recently so that's potentially a cause; thanks for the follow up!
Let me know if you see any other issues
Can do!
Related: I'm trying to run 0.14.19 using the docker-compose.yml generated from
prefect server config
and it's defaulting to Cloud backend/UI. Is there an environment variable I can set for the Server backend? Changing the images to 0.14.18 fixes the issue.
Aha! That's the issue I thought you were facing to begin with. Let me get those image retags out
Also: If I want to do some UI development is there a way to know which UI tag goes with which Core/Server tags? (e.g., can I use UI '2021-05-05' with Core '0.14.12' or just with Core '0.14.15'+?)
Typically the UI should work with all versions of Core but only the version of Server that corresponds to that release (for API reasons)
Or I should say the UI is always backwards compatible with Core, not necessarily forwards-compatible, for reasons
Ok @Nathan Walker - would you mind pulling the 0.14.19 image again?
@nicholas OK, the Cloud issue is taken care of, but now it just gets to an empty dashboard (green "database" icon) and hangs at empty.
Could you do a hard refresh and share the JS developer console?
One error for app~d0ae3f07.bf8a418c.js: index.js:71 Uncaught (in promise) Error: passed invalid or empty tenant object at l.setDefaultTenant (index.js:71) at vuex.esm.js:844 at vuex.esm.js:466 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at vuex.esm.js:465 at l._withCommit (vuex.esm.js:624) at l.commit (vuex.esm.js:464) at l.commit (vuex.esm.js:409) at tenantNavGuard.js:12 at u (runtime.js:63)
👀 1
Hm is this a brand new server startup? Do you have an existing tenant?
I'm not tenant-savvy. I don't have any other containers running and just did
docker-compose up --force-recreate
Ah ok, my guess is that you need to create a tenant by running
prefect server create-tenant --name <<something>> --slug <<something>>
Normally the
prefect server start
command will take care of this for you
Oh, right - it works with
prefect server start
but not when I try to run it from `prefect server config`'s docker-compose.yml. Which container should build the tenant?
The tenant needs to be inserted into the database, so the
command calls the
graphql route 🙂
✅ 1
Heyooo, it works. Thank you!
Perfect! 🙂
I'm running into the same Cloud-default issue when I swap out the UI image from prefecthq/ui:core-0.14.19 to my locally-built image based on the most recent UI GitHub clone. Will the changes be reflected in the UI GitHub or can you point me in the right direction on fixing this?
Sorry @Nathan Walker - did you re-pull the 0.14.19 image and ran into the same issue? Since master represents the bleeding edge I'm not surprised that didn't work
Also would you mind pasting the JSON (feel free to obfuscate any sensitive data) you get back when visiting
When I re-pulled core-0.14.19 everything worked great. When I re-pulled from UI master on GitHub and built from there, I still ran into the issue -- looking at the merge pull request log, though, it makes sense because I'm not seeing any activity in the last 2 days (do you have a different repo that "core" UI images are built from or is there a branch I can checkout?).
Ah I see - yes Core builds its own UI images based on pinned versions of the UI; in this case it's pinning to a slightly older release of the UI for compatibility
The fix for this issue isn't out yet, which is why Core is pinning to a version before the bug happened
Ohhhhhh ok that makes sense. FWIW, with core-0.14.19 w/ latest UI master I get:
is just
{"server_url": "<http://localhost:4200/graphql>"}
Ah ok that's what I'd expect, just wanted to be sure