Hello - is it possible to add a `service account` ...
# prefect-ui
Hello - is it possible to add a
service account
in the free account? it seems that we’re forced to add a “role” but can’t add roles? or am i missing something?
seems like the CLI can be used to create API keys in this situation but they won’t appear in the UI?
This should work, you need to select the Role e.g. a User role. Then, you can create API keys for this service account
example is below. Are you the account (tenant) admin?
but no roles are selectable. the dropdown is empty 😞 i’m the only user, yes.
you can’t see this dropdown? that’s weird, I’ll ask the team
Nope :c
Can you DM me your email address and the team slug for your Prefect Cloud account? I would share this with the UI team to check this for you
Hi @Tom Klein - I'm looking into this for you and I wonder if this is caused by a query timeout and/or the modal opening before the UI has a chance to load available roles. Could you help me test that by refreshing the page and waiting for the service account table to load before you click on "Add Service Account"? Or even just closing the modal and opening it again? Thanks!
hmmm ok, sec
yep, seems like if i wait it’s OK, same with re-opening the modal. maybe the modal should kinda get updated when the data finishes loading? and/or greyed out in the meantime - so that it’s clear that’s something happening (or maybe the button itself can be blocked till that happens) just ideas 🙂
Great. Thanks for confirming that!
And thanks for the suggestion! Was just about to note that we can add a loading state to make sure the modal doesn't open before roles are loaded.