Hi! How Open Source version of Prefect UI will au...
# prefect-ui
Hi! How Open Source version of Prefect UI will authenticate with Cloud? Will it use service account?
Prefect Server does not have authentication with it
@Kevin Kho I have heard that Prefect UI can integrate with Cloud as well, in that case how it will authenticate with cloud?
@Suresh R with Prefect Cloud we do provide user authentication and user management with RBAC. You can sign up for a free tier here
@Anna Geller This blog suggests that we can run our own UI pointing to Prefect cloud, I don't find any doc showing the steps. https://medium.com/the-prefect-blog/the-all-new-prefect-server-and-ui-f3141b111b36
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One of the new UI's most innovative features is that it can instantly be pointed at any Prefect API, whether Cloud or Server, by changing a setting in the UI itself. This means that Prefect Cloud users can self-host the UI
I think this part of Laura’s tutorial shows how to set this up


This feature was deprecated. There used to be a toggle but nobody used it so you can’t use your UI to point to Cloud
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For some more context @Suresh R - the feature existed but wasn’t used much if at all and ended up being more confusing to most users than helpful, which is why we decided to remove it. However, it is still possible to host your own UI and point to Cloud but you would need to rebuild the UI and set the environment variable
instead of
(you’ll see this variable in the
file here). Unless you have a significant motivation for doing so, it’s easier to use the hosted UI at cloud.prefect.io, since this gives you automatic updates and removes the burden of the rebuild and deployment.
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