Hi, I just signed up using my work email to try pr...
# prefect-community
Hi, I just signed up using my work email to try prefect https://app.prefect.cloud/ .But I didn't receive the verification email. I have been waiting since 2 hours. 😞
Hmm. I just tried it and it works for me. Can you try checking your spam box?
Hi Khuyen, I tried it many times. But I am still not receiving any email from prefect. For a test, I sent a test email from my gmail and I see the email came from gmail. It's nothing but my work email is accepting the emails from outside of the org. I also checked my spam / junk.
Is it possible for you to help me if I provide my work email ?
@Jenny Do you know why @Chandrashekar Althati can’t receive the verification email?
Hi @Chandrashekar Althati - sorry to hear you're having issues! I’m guessing you're not seeing any error messages? / Did not see any error messages when you signed up? Not sure how your work email is set up but is it possible that you used Google SSO with that email previously? Could you try signing in with Google SSO? If none of those suggestions work for you, do you want to share your email here or by DM and I'll see if we can find any more information about your sign up.
Hi @Chandrashekar Althati. I wanted to follow up and see if you’ve been able to access the verification email? We have looked on our end and are seeing that emails are sending to prefect@medalogix.com
Hi @Jeff Hale: Thank you for contacting me regarding this issue. My IT team also confirmed that "we checked on both Exchange and Zix and neither show any incoming from "no-reply@okta.prefect.io". This confirm that there is an issue on the prefect side. Could you please help.
Gotcha. Are you able to try signing up with a different email address?
Yes. I was able to signup using my personal email calthati@gmail.com
But we would like to try using the work email prefect@medalogix.com
Hi @Jeff Hale, Any help regarding this would be appreciated.
Sorry, just seeing this now I’m wondering if you have another @medalogix.com email you can try?