Hi! Decided to try to migrate to Prefect 2 but hav...
# prefect-community
Hi! Decided to try to migrate to Prefect 2 but have some trouble getting a Docker agent going. I get the error:
Copy code
Flow could not be retrieved from deployment.
On Prefect 1 I would package all my python dependencies in an Docker image, as well as the flow code (using storage=Module()). What would be the equivalent for Prefect 2? I saw the option of putting the flow definitions on AWS but I don't really see the point
You might want to look at file systems
Here is how to execute your flow runs in a Docker container
Hm ok so I cannot store my flows inside my image, this is a drawback compared to Prefect 1, are you planning to implement this?
Someone from Prefect posted about it earlier today, I think it's meant to be a couple of weeks out.
Yes, we are actively working on it
Great thanks 👍