Hi! Does prefect support running Flows from within...
# best-practices
Hi! Does prefect support running Flows from within Prefect Tasks? What is the best syntax for running a flow of flows with the free offering
currently I am trying to connect to an existing local dask executor by doing
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dask_executor: DaskExecutor = DaskExecutor(address=client_address)
On certain substages of my flow however I see something along the lines of
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connecting to an existing Dask cluster at tcp:....
and then it gets stuck
Copy code
dask_executor: DaskExecutor = DaskExecutor(address=client_address)
    result = flow.run(
this is how I am trying to run a flow from within a prefect task
Not possible, but you can call flows from flows in 2.0 with the Subflows pattern
🙏 1