With all the excitement surrounding last week's :p...
# announcements
With all the excitement surrounding last week's prefect2
release, today's P`1.3.0` release is an important reminder that we will continue to support Prefect 1.x well into the future 💪. Today's release enables custom job name prefixes using the job template passed to the KubernetesAgent. It also includes several task library enhancements and fixes, including: • kubernetes Target a specific container within a Kubernetes pod with the new
parameter • 🐚 Run commands in Microsoft Powershell with the new
azure Interface with Azure Datafactory more confidently with several fixes to existing tasks Special thanks to @Alvaro Durán Tovar and @Chinmay Bhat for their contributions to this release! See the Prefect 1.x changelog for more information.
💪🏻 1
🔥 14
💪 3
🙏 5
P 6