Hey Guys, we're currently using Prefect for handli...
# prefect-community
Hey Guys, we're currently using Prefect for handling all of our data pipelines, and we have another tool in place (Temporal) for handling non-data related pipelines or workflows. These are mainly workflows that handle 1 specific action (like activating a customer record, creating a new entity, etc.) My question is have anyone tried to use Prefect in order to implement use cases like those i have mentioned? The reason we're asking is because we are thinking about unifying the technology stack but we're not sure if Prefect is well suited for handling such use cases
Afaik, Prefect will be able to handle that within a couple of months or so - not sure if you've seen the Prefect 2.0 announcements blog post but it gives you a sneak peek into what is planned https://www.prefect.io/guide/blog/the-global-coordination-plane/
Thanks a lot Anna, will have a look at the blog post
🙌 1
Hi @Anna Geller , just wanted to check if you came across any articles or blogs comparing Prefect 2.0 to Temporal.io .. I'm trying to pitch to my management the switch from Temporal to Prefect in order to unify our workflow engine. But so far they prefect Temporal for business workflows
My understanding is that they don't support Python and are focused more on microservices than dataflows which makes it a totally different category, so hard to compare. It might be easiest to figure out what problems either can't be solved or are hard to do with this tool to show why Prefect can provide value (time saving, improved collaboration, more visibility into when something goes wrong, etc)
Thanks Anna, we're currently using Prefect for our Data Pipelines and Temporal for our Business Processes and our engineering team are trying to consolidate technologies. Both Prefect 2.0 and Temporal share some stuff in common but the general feeling we get is that each one is better suited to handle a specific use case. So I just wanted to check if there was any blogs or posts discussing how Prefect can be used for non data workflows or if that is even something it is intended to be used for
Prefect can run any Python code -- if you can write it in Python, you can orchestrate and observe it using Prefect, it doesn't have to be a data workflow, we have users who use Prefect for CI CD or for adding observability to some API calls to external systems
Thanks a lot Anna
You're very welcome