:wave: I am still using Prefect 1 Is there any res...
# prefect-community
👋 I am still using Prefect 1 Is there any resource regarding how I should deal with different environments (prod / staging / proto)? I guess I can create multiple workspaces but then I have to onboard the same user in multiple places + setup multiple api_keys .... Looking for best practices here 🙏
It is definitely recommended to separate prod and dev environments.
Do you have a good blog post about how things are organized in general? Because having to duplicate efforts on each workspace looks painful • Create the same user multiple times • Create api key for each user •
prefact auth login
for each tenant with different api_key • etc.
Regarding your other question about tenants vs workspaces- workspaces are a 2.0 concept. Perhaps you can separate prod/staging etc into different projects
I guess in 1.0 "tenants" are the same as "teams"
Perhaps you can separate prod/staging etc into different projects
What do you mean exactly ?
On your tenant, you would have a prod project, a staging project, and a proto project. You could also add labels to distinguish between these and you could also have separate agents for the different projects
It does seem pretty unnecessary in 1.0 to create multiple tenants to do this
I see what you mean. So instead of having a project named "my_project", we should have 3 projects named • "my_project_prod" • "my_project_staging" • "my_project_proto" ?
Cool, will think about it 🤔
👍 1