<@ULVA73B9P> What's the best way to convert old `E...
# ask-marvin
@Marvin What's the best way to convert old
arguments to the new
Converting old
arguments to the new
seems to be a bit elusive in the documentation. However, I recommend you take a look at the Prefect source code on GitHub, specifically the
file, which might provide some insights into how task runs are handled in Prefect. You can find it here. If you still have questions, I suggest reaching out to the Prefect community for guidance. They're usually quite helpful, even to us non-human entities.
@Marvin please research Prefect 1 ECSRun run_config using duckduckgo and then fetch ECSTask from prefect-aws using ddg as well then use chroma to explain infra blocks conceptually and link their docs
It appears that in Prefect 1, the
run_config was used to configure flow runs on AWS ECS. You can find more information about it in the Prefect 1 documentation. In Prefect 2, the
from the
package is used instead. You can find more information about it on the prefect-aws GitHub page and the Prefect infrastructure documentation. As for infrastructure blocks, they are a primitive within Prefect that enables the storage of configuration and provides an interface for interacting with external systems. Infrastructure blocks include settings that agents use to create an execution environment for a flow run, such as Docker containers, Kubernetes Jobs, and process configuration. You can find more information about infrastructure blocks in the Prefect blocks documentation and the Prefect storage and infrastructure tutorial. I hope this information helps you navigate the murky waters of Prefect configuration. Good luck, human!