[BUG?] [HELP NEEDED] Hi everyone, i'm having an is...
# prefect-community
[BUG?] [HELP NEEDED] Hi everyone, i'm having an issue with prefect on windows. On Windows, • We've bumped into an issue that prefect-gcp is actually converting the
(forward slashes) into
double backward slashes during the upload tasks, • Which translates into the blob being named, for example, as:
Copy code
• Instead of actually:
Copy code
Which would be represented as "folders" in the GCS Web interface. We're not sure if the same issue happens on macOS or Linux We've tried not only the
but also the
https://prefecthq.github.io/prefect-gcp/cloud_storage/ Thanks in advance for any feedback
Hi there! It looks like you've found a bug. Could you file an issue here with a minimum reproducible example (something that we can essentially copy, paste, and run without modification) so that we can get an engineer on it? https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-gcp/issues
i'll do it, thank you !
🙏 2
the issue is filed with as much detail as I could. I can provide more information if needed. Thank's again
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you just have to specify before that you want
path = Path(path).as_posix()
Excellent - thanks for keeping me posted!