Question... Why do I see this: `Can't connect to O...
# prefect-ui
Question... Why do I see this:
Can't connect to Orion API at <http://prefect-orion:4200/api>. Check that it's accessible from your machine.
While using the official Helm Chart? There is no clear answer in the docs about this case...
you are the second person to mention that could you open an issue in prefect-helm with more details?
gratitude thank you 2
🙌 1
I've edited env PREFECT_API_URL to point external K8s cluster hostname and external port for Prefect (from 4200) and then... It worked. Is this expected behavior? Shouldn't it be working via internal ports and addresses?
🙌 1
Maybe I misunderstand, but the UI will make a call (from your browser) to the API. So it must be the external address in order to reach the API Server, must it not?
upvote 2
gratitude thank you 2