Hello there, Are there any task libraries availabl...
# prefect-azure
Hello there, Are there any task libraries available as OSS for Azure services other than the very limited standard tasks that come with Prefect 2.0?
Yes. thats a very limited set of tasks...right?
Is there some specific functionality you’re looking for?
Anything to do with IAM/AD or Auth/Auth!!
or any other third party libraries that you might be aware of?
which provide the said tasks...
Maybe https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-azure/blob/main/prefect_azure/credentials.py? If the functionality is missing, feel free to submit an issue for a feature request
Never mind. I was looking for more specific functionalities...Thanks for your help.
👍 1
To follow up, if you want to work with Azure AD, auth and identity in Python, you'll probably need to start by using MSAL for Python to authenticate. Once you've authenticated, if you want to edit AD objects like users and groups, you'd need to call the Graph API or use the MS Graph Python SDK (not officially released yet, but available as a public preview) Providing pre-made tasks would be tricky because there are so many operations and combinations of operations you can perform on AD users and groups. Calling the Graph API or using the Graph Python SDK inside a Prefect task should work, as long as anything you return from the task is serializable.
I already am using MSAL to do all of that...I was wondering if someone had already integrated well with Prefect with working samples that I could use as a reference...
Again thanks for your help @Ryan Peden
Again, Microsoft has a plethora of libraries and toolkits and that is another risk factor before integrating with Prefect...