I’m trying to get my Prefect agent running on GKE ...
# prefect-community
I’m trying to get my Prefect agent running on GKE (autopilot) Currently I’m running into this error. I’ve run this command
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prefect kubernetes manifest orion | kubectl apply -f -
Hi @James Phoenix i noticed that if you click on the last link, you'll see
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  "errors": [
      "code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
      "message": "authentication required",
      "detail": [
          "Type": "repository",
          "Class": "",
          "Name": "prefecthq/prefect",
          "Action": "pull"
which to me suggests you might need some form of
docker login
or another
Hi Nate! Thanks so basically I have to make the service deployment connect to docker before pulling the prefect image?
actually, what if you do the opposite (per this issue) 😄 and try
docker logout
and then running again prefecthq/prefect is a public repo and shouldnt require auth
Yeah, the reason I didn't think I need to change anything is because I am literally taking the manifest output from the prefect manifest orion CLI command
I can pull that image on my local computer without docker login too
sorry wait a sec, I just noticed
I’m trying to get my Prefect agent running
I assumed from the command you were trying to run orion,
prefect kubernetes manifest orion
provides a manifest for running the orion server you might want to check out https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-helm and do
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helm install prefecthq/prefect-agent --generate-name --values your_values.yaml
Oh okay, that looks decent. I'll try that out! Thanks @Nate