Prefect V1 question - I think my flow concurrency ...
# prefect-community
Prefect V1 question - I think my flow concurrency limit is being used up by deleted flow runs. Is there a way to get the flow ids that are running with a particular label?
Hey Jessica you can try querying for the runs through the graphql client this discussed article has a basic query you can run to get running out canceling flows/task runs. I don't recall off the top of my head if you can filter by labels on the flow runs but this should have the general sounds to start with,
Sorry, should have added more information: When I query for flows in the Running state I get no results
They might be cancelling or in a soft deleted state if you just recently deleted a flow, in theory these should clear up once or deletion service gets to them. It can take a bit sometimes for those to completely clear
@Mason Menges This hasn't improved - does the deletion process take multiple days? Or is there something else we can check?
I even accidentally deleted all of my projects from my tenant today while testing something and the number still hasn't reset
@Mason Menges You were correct, they eventually cleared up. Thanks for the help