I have got below error while running my code in Pr...
# prefect-community
I have got below error while running my code in Prefect cloud. The flow generated large number of tasks, so I am assuming there is a limit for number of tasks per flow?
12:48:12.659 | ERROR | prefect.infrastructure.process - Process 'optimal-toucanet' exited with status code: -9; This indicates that the process exited due to a SIGKILL signal. Typically, this is caused by high memory usage causing the operating system to terminate the process.
Hi Santosh, According to the error, it looks like there is probably not enough memory on your infrastructure for all the work.
@Jeff Hale We got this from prefect cloud.
The log is in Prefect Cloud, but the infrastructure where you are running your flow is not - it’s on your local machine if you didn’t set up an infrastructure block. Your code runs on your infrastructure. It looks like the memory requirements for your code were more than your infrastructure can handle, if the error message is leading us down the correct path.
This gives me a direction to debug. Thanks 👍🏽