I have run prefect server on a single VM, On acces...
# prefect-getting-started
I have run prefect server on a single VM, On accessing the ui everything seems to be loading very slowly. In the console i see a lot of Err Connection timed out for the 4200 graphql. I have followed the steps in https://docs-v1.prefect.io/orchestration/server/deploy-local.html#ui-configuration. im running on an aws ec2 instance. When i run the sample flow it is stuck at waiting for flow runs
1️⃣ 2
what kind of VM (e.g. what size), and where are you accessing the UI from?
Out of curiosity, are you intending to use prefect v1, or prefect v2 which is the latest and greatest version?
Its an 8gb Ram, m6a.large ec2 instance. Im accessing the UI through our LAN which has access to the servers. I read and understood that prefect 2 is better nd it does serve a lot of our rquirements but it doesnt seem to have prefect server right now openly available? Our setup is restricted nd i cannot use the cloud service to access the databases i need to build workflows for.
prefect 2 server is available for use, and open source: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-helm I can’t speak exactly to the performance / graphql without seeing more logs and details of what’s going on, but before going that route, I’d give prefect 2 a whirl if there isn’t a specific reason to not use it