Prefect 2.0 Architecture Overview
# prefect-community
Hi! I'm in the process of trying to make an argument for prefect to a team- I'm wondering it the prefect developers have published an 'architecture overview' or anything, to help assess the technical costs of the tool vs other similar products like airflow
airflow for example has this (which includes

this nice component diagramโ–พ

) Is there an equivalent for Prefect?
Hi Paige, you can check out our hybrid diagram at this link.
Thanks @Taylor Curran! Do you know if anything more fine-grained is available, if we're looking to self-host an orion instance?
Iโ€™ll look and see if we do have something, stay tuned.
Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚
@Taylor Curran wanna send your awesome chart? ๐Ÿ˜‰
I wonder if this chart might help? Everything is applicable to either cloud or self-hosted
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gratitude thank you 1
Oo sweet chart, I havenโ€™t even seen that yet.
Please let us know if that helps and what more we can do to help pitch Prefect!
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it's a brand new one tailored to win people over by Taylor ๐Ÿ˜‰
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