Currently having issues with flows hanging when ca...
# prefect-community
Currently having issues with flows hanging when calling
from within a flow. MRE in 🧵
âś… 1
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from prefect import flow, task, get_run_logger
from prefect.context import get_run_context

def print_task(obj):
    logger = get_run_logger()

def test_flow():
    ctx = get_run_context()

if __name__ == "__main__":
output is:
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> python
13:46:36.385 | INFO    | prefect.engine - Created flow run 'thankful-seagull' for flow 'test-flow'
This will not finish until Ctrl+C
This looks specifically like a bug in passing the run context from a flow to a task, not calling
The flow run context is full of states and task run tracking information — we’re probably stuck doing resolution of states to data nested in the object.
If you just pass the data you need, you should be fine — I’ll work on a fix for this though.
Note this definitely will not be supported if you’re using a remote runner like Dask. Why do you want to pass the flow run context to a task?
We're currently migrating from 0.15.9 to 2.6.9 and have external tools that we send flow run information to.
What information do you need?
currently we send flow_id and run time. flow_id is used in some calls and we have a flow killer that kills a flow if it has run over 1 hr.
There's probably a much easier way to do this now,
I mean, our external tool will have to be rewritten anyway as it highly utilizes GraphQL
instead of passing the entire context, I got the
by passing
to the log statement.
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14:30:49.797 | INFO    | prefect.engine - Created flow run 'sepia-hyena' for flow 'test-flow'
14:30:49.873 | INFO    | Flow run 'sepia-hyena' - Created task run 'print_task-3fb05284-0' for task 'print_task'
14:30:49.873 | INFO    | Flow run 'sepia-hyena' - Executing 'print_task-3fb05284-0' immediately...
14:30:49.890 | INFO    | Task run 'print_task-3fb05284-0' - 5c22623d-9c2e-4610-87c1-8fc6249938f7
14:30:49.900 | INFO    | Task run 'print_task-3fb05284-0' - Finished in state Completed()
14:30:49.910 | INFO    | Flow run 'sepia-hyena' - Finished in state Completed('All states completed.')
Thanks @Zanie
@Marvin open “Passing the flow run context to a task causes deadlock”
Duno if the bot is good these days
🤖 1
Was this ever solved, I'm seeing similar behavior as well and wasn't able to find an issue on github
The way I solved it was to grab the information I need in the flow logic and pass that information along to tasks. So in my flow I would have:
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def my_flow():
    ctx = get_run_context()
    flow_id = ctx.flow_run.flow_id
    my_task_results = my_task(flow_id)
Got it - Thanks Joshua