Hi there, I’m experiencing the same problem as <th...
# prefect-community
Hi there, I’m experiencing the same problem as this previous post. When testing a slack incoming web hook, the test fails with no error message. What would be the best way to further triage this issue?
Are you able to open the inspect the dev tools console window and see if there are any messages or details provided?
No details or errors make their way to the console. I’ve also tried inspecting the actual pop-up message to see if there was some hidden details within the message HTML element itself, but it disappears too quickly for me to see
Have you checked the network tab to watch the call? Another option is to use the Slack webhook in a task to see if it is able to run from the flow code
To Kalises point, this is how you would do the above recommendation with a SlackTask: https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-take-action-on-a-state-change-of-a-task-run-task-level-state-handler/82
No luck with the network tab either. If possible I would like to stick with configuring this via the UI, as we have a production environment where this hook works fine and I would like to keep the two as similar as possible