Hey, is there maybe a video on how to get the UI u...
# prefect-getting-started
Hey, is there maybe a video on how to get the UI up and running? I can't seem to get 'prefect orion start' to work. My terminal keeps giving this error. I'm probably doing something stupid
It appears maybe you aren’t in a virtual environment with Prefect installed? I suggest using conda when on Windows.
Thanks for responding @Jeff Hale. Indeed I didn't have. Just created an environment in conda and installed prefect in that env. So now when I have this, how do I continue? Since if I add 'prefect ' with something behind it, it says: prefect is not recognized.
My screenshot shows the outcome of my 'pip install prefect'
have you activate your environment?
Thanks @ar, I indeed didn't active, now I see (prefectenv) instead of (base). But still it tells me that Prefect isn't recognized. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong here?
run pip freeze check if prefect is installed correctly if not. reinstall in this env
I see 2.6.9 so Prefect itself seems fine by me
Probably I'm doing something wrong with a syntax
Virtual environments can be a pain. If you have multiple virtual environments active, things can get screwy. Do
conda deactivate
repeatedly until nothing is in parentheses. Then
conda activate prefectenv
conda list prefect
If you see prefect listed you should be good. Try running
prefect version
If that doesn’t work you most likely have a problem where your virtual environment manager is not set up on your PATH correctly.
Hey @Jeff Hale,thanks for your help. It worked until
conda list prefect
. Here it didn't list it for me (check image). So probably my PATH is indeed not correct. Do you have idea what I can do to solve this?
I’m not sure off the top of my head. I’d look around on Stack Overflow and Google if I were you.
@Jeff Hale, update here. I got it working. But I needed the code
conda install -c conda-forge prefect
pip install prefect
doesn't work (for me). Could this be found on the website? I guess I wouldn't be the only one I think. Thanks for your environment suggestion.
Thanks for the follow up! Either the pip install or the conda forge should work. I'm guessing there is still a path issue - maybe with pip. Glad you got it working!
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