Hi All, I’m running into an issue with the 2.0b12 ...
# prefect-community
Hi All, I’m running into an issue with the 2.0b12 version.
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root@c0713100a1dd:/opt/app# python
Python 3.8.13 (default, Jul 13 2022, 05:54:24)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import prefect
>>> import prefect.flow_runners
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'prefect.flow_runners'
>>> prefect.__version__
It looks like we’ve removed the flow_runners module, but it doesn’t appear reflected in the documentation. Version was published earlier today
This doesn’t appear to reflect the state of the orion branch either, so not clear what was actually published here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/tree/orion/src/prefect/flow_runners
Hi @Cole Murray - thanks for raising; this looks to be an issue with the release that we’re actively investigating. Unfortunately I don’t have an ETA on a fix so in the meantime would you be able to revert to 2.0b11?
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Yes am able to revert 👍. In effort of unbreaking existing consumers who may have `prefect>=2.0b11, does it make sense to republish b11 as b13?
Alternatively, not sure if you can recall a package in pypi
alternatively, to make your deployment compatible with 2.0b12, you can switch to using the
module which flow runner were you using?
to be fully transparent, due to the existing dependencies with Cloud 2, it's not as simple as republishing b11 as b13 - I asked the team
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for SubprocessFlowRunner you'd need to switch to
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we'd love to help, though, as much as we can Were you using some virtual environment like conda in your SubprocessFlowRunner?
I’ll hold off on upgrading to b12 for a few days while things settle. Easy enough for us to pin and rollback to b11 🙂
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that's great to hear! thanks for being flexible
I currently have a similar experience while upgrading to b12. Therefore I just use this thread if that’s ok. I already changed to infrastructure.process but I need to use a virtualenv as before but I don’t see an option for this in Process. Can you please point me in the right direction for specifying a virtualenv for the process please?
could you wait until a stable release on Wednesday? it's all a bit complicated until then I also don't want to waste your time since some things are still in the works and will be clear on Wednesday
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I'd appreciate your flexibility as we work towards the GA release this week
Yes waiting until wednesday is no issue for us. I am looking forward to this realease :)
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