so flows work locally but `__file__` is not define...
# prefect-community
so flows work locally but
is not defined when prefect cloud runs the flow. Any idea what the issue is?
@Phillip Kelly
so it sounds like
is not useable with GitHub storage? What about other local assets that the flow needs to load that are in the github repo (e.g. local .sql files). Will they even be accessible to the flow, is prefect not checking out the repo when it runs the flow?
what about relative imports from other modules in my github repo? does the agent not checkout the entire github repository when running my flow?
unbelievable, I guess it's not supported at all. I really don't understand the reasoning behind most of the decisions prefect makes..
Yes the Github Storage only gets the Flow file. We know this not user friendly so it is being re-designed for Prefect 2.0. For Prefect 1.0, you need to package the dependencies in a container.
Stuff like SQL files can be achieved with Git Storage here
is there any way to make the Git Storage use
PAT env var? or does it have to use a prefect secret or ssh privkey?
I think no. You need to use a Secret or the ssh key
ok, we switched to Git storage and now
is correct e.g.
- but we get
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpxy6wy7bw/cureatr/flows/patient_funnel/patient_funnel.sql'
when trying to open a file relative to
- that path seems correct. Do we have to do something specific to make Git storage clone the entire repo?
On that, Prefect will clone the repo, load in the SQL, and then delete the files so it has to be read in outside of tasks when the script is ran
ugh, ok. You guys sure don't make anything easy...
Yeah we know Git storage can’t be the same form for sure for 2.0