Hi prefect team, Is there a way in prefect to set...
# prefect-community
Hi prefect team, Is there a way in prefect to set a "universal retry" policy for all flows in prefect 2.0? For instance if you didn't specify a retry option in your code it would automatically take this universal setting. If a retry policy is set in code then that would override the universal setting. Second question is there a way to set unlimited retries, besides just setting a really big number for "retries" parameter?
No, there is not because this is client side setting in your code. But I'll add your feature request to a ticket we have for setting defaults This is something you might solve with a while loop
@Anna Geller a feature request would be great thank you so much. For my specific situation and setup a while loop wouldn't work in case. I can make do with the current implementation. Maybe one more feature request here: Could we add exponential backoff on a retry? Example: If would be useful if instead of delaying each run for 60 secs we could have something like this: flow (retry=5, retry_delay_seconds=60, backoff_multiplier=2 ) That way after the first run the next run will go for 60 seconds then after that it will be 60*2 and after that 60*2*2
this one has been open for 4 years 😄 https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/14