Hello, I am trying to use the vertex agent unfortu...
# prefect-community
Hello, I am trying to use the vertex agent unfortunately I keep getting
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400 List of found errors:	1.Field: job_spec.worker_pool_specs[0].container_spec.env[12].value; Message: Required field is not set.	2.Field: job_spec.worker_pool_specs[0].container_spec.env[3].value; Message: Required field is not set.	3.Field: job_spec.worker_pool_specs[0].container_spec.env[4].value; Message: Required field is not set.	 [field_violations {
  field: "job_spec.worker_pool_specs[0].container_spec.env[12].value"
  description: "Required field is not set."
field_violations {
  field: "job_spec.worker_pool_specs[0].container_spec.env[3].value"
  description: "Required field is not set."
field_violations {
  field: "job_spec.worker_pool_specs[0].container_spec.env[4].value"
  description: "Required field is not set."
Are you using Prefect Server? I saw a similar issue there
here it looked like it worked in Cloud but not on Server - can you replicate the same behavior and if this is indeed an actual issue, open a GitHub bug report in the server repo?
moving your other message to clean up the main thread please next time post everything in the thread to keep the main channel clean, thanks in advance "my run config is as followed:
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run_config = VertexRun(
and agent is executed like
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prefect agent vertex start --region-name europe-west4 --project <redacted> --label vertex
hi, yes seems to be a similar problem
it's is a very interesting feature to be able to run serverless pipelines on gcp vertex
but the documentation is scarce, and the logging is very unclear as in what environment variables are causing a problem.
i applied the worker_pool_spec from the other thread but problem remains
I'll add it to our content backlog to explore serverless execution for Vertex for Prefect 2.0 meanwhile, if you can confirm that it works for you using the free version of Prefect Cloud and it works for you, you can either use Cloud for now, or submit an issue in the server repo