Is there an intention/movement on putting a Terraf...
# prefect-community
Is there an intention/movement on putting a Terraform module for Prefect in place? Our Prefect Automations have been manually created and I’d like to have this in source control/managed through a CICD pipeline. Last resort would be to use GraphQL but Terraform would play better with our current stack.
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Hey @Maikel Penz πŸ‘‹ nice to see you again! We actually have a Terraform Provider we're using at Xero and we have plans to open-source it together with Prefect! However, it doesn't currently support Prefect Automations, although the framework is there and it could be extended to other GraphQL operations.
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Sounds awesome Oliver! It doesn't have to be perfect, you can share the state you have. I'm sure this will already be helpful to many users πŸ™Œ
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Thanks for your reply @Anna Geller. I had found the module you shared but it’s very specific to run Prefect on EC2. I’m after a potential official module that covers Prefect in general and not a specific setup like the above. @Oliver Mannion oh nice seeing you here haha. Great to know you guys making progress with Prefect, I’d love to see this TF module becoming part of the open source world. Happy to contribute/extend it for Prefect Automations.
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wow, this is super cool! thanks so much for doing this! I'll share with the team, but it may be that we don't get back to you immediately this week due to the GA release work, but I'd expect by the latest next week someone will have a look thanks again πŸ™Œ
gratitude thank you 1