Hi I have a question regarding prefect running on ...
# prefect-server
Hi I have a question regarding prefect running on kubernetes through helm template deployment. I have troubleshooting connecting the prefect UI with the apollo server. I use a clusterIp service to be able to communicate between the pods. I’m running a service on top of apollo with cluster IP
. When I exec the ui pod I can succesfully reach
However within the Prefect UI I can’t connect to the URL. Any idea why ?
Because it's your browser that makes those requests, thus from outside of your cluster
Hmm same result with
apolloApiUrl: <http://localhost:4200/graphql>
or either
apolloApiUrl: <>
From what I understood with your message the request is made through the browser (how could it even work with localhost ??) but it would be better to make the request within the cluster with private ips. The thing is I would be able to reach the apollo with a public url based on my domain but we protect any domain URL with our google SSO (that means that the UI is not authorized to make the request to apollo server)
If you check your browser developer console, you'll see that the browser is making requests to <apolloApiUrl>. This means your api should be exposed to the public internet for the UI to be able to work. If you only temporarily need the UI, you could port-forward all traffic to/from graphql to your localhost, but it's of course not an ideal solution
Ok indeed not ideal .. Is it a feature planned in prefect side to support communication between ui and server through a kubernetes services ?
As they are releasing prefect 2.0 next week (https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CKNSX5WG3/p1658270821320139), I don't think many features are still coming for prefect 1
Hmm interesting !! 👍 Is there any helm template provided ? Or at least a docker image ?
incredible thanks @Mathijs Carlu i will give a try for sure
👍 1
@Mathijs Carlu Communication between API and Agent is still on the public internet with a public URL between api & agent ?
Yes, I assume that authentication/authorization is not on the roadmap for server, as they provide that through prefect cloud ('premium' version)