Hey all, (Prefect 1.0) I’m struggling to figure ou...
# prefect-community
Hey all, (Prefect 1.0) I’m struggling to figure out why flows execute properly locally, but when triggered through Prefect Cloud + Docker Agent running local doesn’t. The flows are stuck in submitted. Anyone have an idea? I can’t find information about the error message “prefect: error: unrecognized arguments: execute flow-run” . Thanks in advance!
Thanks Anna, I checked that out before but cannot find an issue with the execution layer. I can manually pull the image from where the agent is running.
Do you happen to recognise this error message? The --env and --action arguments were used to build the flows. However, I removed these arguments during last build and on the main repo so I’m not sure why prefect still picks them up?
it looks like you either don't use the official Prefect base image or you're overriding the entrypoint - here is an example of a Dockerfile https://github.com/anna-geller/packaging-prefect-flows/blob/master/Dockerfile
My base image is the official one. This image was working before without any issues
Do I need additional dependencies to use GitHub storage?
Can you share your prefect diagnostics output and explain your agent setup? Flow code seems to have been successfully downloaded so GitHub dependency is not an issue here
I think I found the issue. I was importing a variable DEPLOY_ENV from another file, which it wasn’t playing nice with. I use this variable at flow build time to reference the correct docker repo (xxxdev.repo/ xxxprd.repo) and prefect project (dev/prd). Is it better to create separate Prefect environments for different environments rather than projects?
Sorry for asking this, I searched for best practices regarding this but couldn’t find much.
Ahh classic build time vs. runtime issue We have this for 1.0 https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-distinguish-between-various-environments-development-staging-production-in-prefect-flows/179/2 For 2.0 we'll have more robust recipes for handling environments
Thanks Anna, super helpful as always
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