hi all We are using an Automation for a DAG to cre...
# prefect-community
hi all We are using an Automation for a DAG to create a new flow-run after a flow-run has “Finished”, We are facing an issue where multiple flow-runs are created at the same time
@Anna Geller
your img
please keep things in 1 thread next time
I currently don't have enough information to say what's the root cause can you explain what problem are you trying to solve? What have you done so far - can you describe all the steps you have taken? can you share your flow code and explain your setup?
we have created an Automation in Prefect Cloud from here:
the Automation definition is: “When any run from <dag> changes state to selected states then start a new run”
selected states:
is it the same flow? in that case, you would sort of have a never-ending loop of runs, is that intended? can you explain what problem are you trying to solve?
yes that is correct we need the flow to run continuously to identify any new data as soon as it appears in our source
That's basically a streaming use case and for that, we will soon have a recipe for 2.0 For 1.0 check out this state handler solution instead of Automation: https://gist.github.com/anna-geller/0dca1181d56e797f38390ad8850c54d7
hi Anna This is quite useful Any idea why the flow name keeps appending for each run?
No, can you share your flow code?
@Amogh Kulkarni 👆