my Prefect cloud tenant is in a strange state wher...
# prefect-community
my Prefect cloud tenant is in a strange state where I cannot create a project because it already exists, but i cannot delete it because it doesn't exist
super weird. Are you able to see the project from CLI?
prefect get projects
😢 1
deleting a project is a batch operation that can take quite a long time, it's a known issue we are aware of - sorry about that There is onsite this week so responses can be slow but you can send me your team slug and we can check whether we can manually delete the project for you
how long exactly might this take? it's been about 20hrs and i'm still seeing the same issue.
likely until next week, the whole week we have onsite and Prefect team is not available
the easiest for you would be to create a project with a different name for now, sorry but this is outside of my control, I have no access to do that on my own
@Constantino Schillebeeckx could you try deleting the project now? I had a project which kept hanging when I was trying to delete it but it now works curious if you could try now and report
looks good @Anna Geller
you say looks good, but your image shows an error? want to just confirm you are all set now? @Constantino Schillebeeckx -
yep i'm all set, thanks!
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