Hi, I'm trying to attach storage to my flows (GitL...
# prefect-community
Hi, I'm trying to attach storage to my flows (GitLab with on-prem host). Prefect server (1.x) is hosted on an on-prem K8s cluster. I get the following error
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Failed to load and execute flow run: ValueError('Local Secret "<prefect.client.secrets.Secret object at 0x00000221D3B7B100>" was not found.')
when trying to use an OAuth token with the Secrets API. i.e. The config.toml is located on my local machine with and has a section:
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GITLAB="<OAuth Token>"
The code that registers the flow is similar to this:
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secret = Secret("GITLAB")
flow.storage = GitLab(host="path/to/host", repo="repo/address", path="flow/sample_flow.py", access_token_secret=secret)
I assume this is happening because the config.toml is not on the K8s cluster. If this is the case, is there a way I can attach this storage to the flow without storing OAuth tokens on the cluster itself?
I think the access token secret should be a name:
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flow.storage = GitLab(host="path/to/host", repo="repo/address", path="flow/sample_flow.py", access_token_secret="GITLAB")
and Prefect will fetch the value during runtime. Yes you need config.toml available to Kubernetes or you can check this for options
Thanks! That seemed to work but now it looks like my org hasn't setup SSL certs correctly. Is there a way to use set ssl_verify=False when initializing this storage? I tried including it as an additonal kwarg but that just throws a "got an unexpected keyword argument 'ssl_verify'" error
@Kevin Kho would you happen to know?