Hey, prefect 1 here, just noticed that i have a fl...
# prefect-community
Hey, prefect 1 here, just noticed that i have a flow in a "cancelling" status for 3 days now (i just noticed it now with the week end...) it is running on an eks fargate node also for 3 days and i don't know how to terminate it. Should i just kill the pod ?
Yup, you're spot on, you can kill the pod, manually delete the Kubernetes flow run job if needed + set the flow run state to Failed in the UI
🙏 1
Thanks! How could i prevent this to happen again ?
it depends on what was the root cause of this cancellation
if i remember correctly it was from the ui
ahh gotcha, this is hard to do since Prefect doesn't have access to your infra and doing sth like killing a pod is hard (if not impossible) to do without access to the infra