hello, our cloud colleagues want to deploy prefect...
# prefect-community
hello, our cloud colleagues want to deploy prefect 2.0/orion to kubernetes, then need this information: helm chart repository and url where i could find this information?
Thanks to George, we have a dedicated Prefect Collection for that https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-helm
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hi @Anna Geller the cloud team was able to deploy, but prefect ui is not reachable .. they need somehow to configure the url_prefix..i couldn't see any config variable to change this.. in flower its like this:
in the logs they see like this
sorry for tagging directly but @George Coyne do you know this? thanks in advance 🙏
All good! Hey everyone, there is no supported way currently to change the URL prefix
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hi @Anna Geller for using KubernetesFlowRunner, the article said that the configuration of the storage should be in the orion server not in the agent , correct?? for this reason, there should be away to configure this via automation for the helm chart, its not possible yet??
I would wait before you make any changes to storage for one more week since we are working on e.g. removing the default storage in the release next week usually, you would do it with service account
should we then upgrade also prefect in the helmchart?
I don't know, I will look into helm charts later this year to provide more guidance here
@Tarek I would definitely use Helm to handle upgrade for prefect deployed on k8s
hi @Anna Geller i was looking to prefect 2.0 and related storage setups..I dont see azur anymore..or i should use remote storage with this library (https://github.com/fsspec/adlfs)?? a complete sample would be helpfull, because i see only amazon S3 storage example, which we dont use...
its called now blocks i see
it got added, will be shipped in a 2.0.2 release today 🎉
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