Hi, we just witnessed an error when running a pref...
# prefect-community
Hi, we just witnessed an error when running a prefect task locally on a windows 11 machine. This error is not popping up on mac. Do you know how to fix that?
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sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: json_each
[SQL: INSERT INTO flow_run_notification_queue (flow_run_notification_policy_id, flow_run_state_id) SELECT flow_run_notification_policy.id, CAST(? AS CHAR(36)) AS anon_1
FROM flow_run_notification_policy
WHERE flow_run_notification_policy.is_active IS 1 AND (flow_run_notification_policy.state_names = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT 1
FROM json_each(flow_run_notification_policy.state_names) AS json_each
WHERE json_each.value IN (?))) AND (flow_run_notification_policy.tags = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT 1
FROM json_each(flow_run_notification_policy.tags) AS json_each
WHERE json_each.value IN (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1) WHERE 1!=1)))]
[parameters: ('8d01934d-c9c8-4f23-a3af-ec03ee1586a0', '[]', 'Pending', '[]')]
(Background on this error at: <https://sqlalche.me/e/14/e3q8>)
@Marvin open “SQLite ‘no such table: json_each’ error during notification check”
We’ll need to investigate this. Does it happen consistently?
yes it happens for all the tasks that we are trying to run on windows
What is your Python version?
Can you share the output of
prefect version
It seems likely that your SQLite version does not meet the minimum required.
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Version:             2.0b7
API version:         0.6.0
Python version:      3.8.10
Git commit:          eb9f17a8
Built:               Wed, Jun 22, 2022 12:07 PM
OS/Arch:             win32/AMD64
Profile:             default
Server type:         ephemeral
Database:          sqlite
SQLite version:    3.35.5
Thanks! It seems like that version should be sufficient. What are you using for python management?
we use poetry
Would you mind trying a miniconda environment? It’ll install a newer SQLite version.