Hi All, We have installed the prefect server helm...
# prefect-community
Hi All, We have installed the prefect server helm version 2022 and dask gateway 2022.4.0 on the google kubernetes engine cluster and registered the flow , logged into the pefect UI and triggered the flow. Then, we encountered the below error Prefect is using the trafiek dask gateway to spin up dask workers and dask scheduler as part of job run. The prefect apollo (Load balancer external IP) is connecting to dask gateway trafiek proxy. Please correct me if i am wrong. prefect UI is the backend service for the Google kubernetes ingress component( IP ) which is leading to the prefect apollo service. We suspect the issue could be source IP ranges in firewall rule which accesses the dask gateway trafiek LB service IP. Please suggest what can be the source IP range in the above firewall rule as per the architecture of the prefect. Can you please let us know which component of the prefect server will communicate with dask trafiek proxy service to deploy and run the flows so that we can consider it for the source IP. Please let us know if any inputs are required. Attaching the error screenshot below.
the IP which is most relevant is the one of your API endpoint but I don't know enough to help here, do you have some DNS expert/admin in your team?
if you're getting started with Prefect self-hosting now, it would be easier to use Prefect 2.0 - see this page https://discourse.prefect.io/t/should-i-start-with-prefect-2-0-orion-skipping-prefect-1-0/544 moving your image to the thread
when you say API end point , do mean prefect apollo server end point?. if yes, then we have already included it in the source IP ranges but still facing the issue
yes exactly
we included it already but no luck... do you see any other option
again, this is beyond what we can help with since this is infra/DNS issue we have paid support with expert on that matter cs@prefect.io but I don't know enough to help you here
ok.. thanks