Hi, I am trying to self host prefect 2.0 on a gcp ...
# prefect-community
Hi, I am trying to self host prefect 2.0 on a gcp cloud engine vm. I have installed prefect on the vm and set PREFECT_API_URL as "http//<external ip>4200/api" I tried to connect to the prefect instance from my local machine by setting the PREFECT_API_URL on my machine and running this code:
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$ # start python REPL with native await functionality
$ python -m asyncio
>>> from prefect.client import get_client
>>> async with get_client() as client:
...     response = await client.hello()
...     print(response.json())
and I got this error:
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Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 440, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 389, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/shivam/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/prefect/client.py", line 111, in get_client
    ctx = prefect.context.get_settings_context()
  File "/home/shivam/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/prefect/context.py", line 272, in get_settings_context
    raise MissingContextError("No settings context found.")
prefect.exceptions.MissingContextError: No settings context found.
Am I missing something in the setup?
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Did you set PREFECT_API_URL by executing
prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL="http://<external-ip>:4200/api"
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Yes, on my local machine
what is the output of
prefect config view
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PREFECT_API_URL='http://<external-ip>:4200/api' (from profile)
Was able to recreate the issue on Windows. I think there might still be some bugs on Windows, as there was initially no support. Instead of
, you could use
. This seems to work on my machine
I don't know how to help here - can you perhaps try Cloud 2.0 first before self-hosting? this guide will help you get started https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-get-started-with-prefect-cloud-2-0/539
@Anna Geller the problem seems to be that the settings_context cannot be found when running
python -m asyncio
from the terminal. I was able to recreate on both windows and linux
if you believe there is a bug here, please open a GitHub issue here https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/new/choose and choose 2.0