I am using the `GCSResult` for my Task results. Do...
# prefect-community
I am using the
for my Task results. Does anybody know if there is a way to catch exceptions with it? We are seeing occasional failures on the GCS side and I don't want my flows failing because of it.
I’ve seen that intermittent error as well, adding a retry to my task solves it.
I can open an issue - @Tim Enders would you add the error traceback and more details about when exactly do you get this error to the issue? Thanks a lot (btw, generally speaking, bug reports are best reported as GitHub issues) @Marvin open "Flow fails due to
error - add retries to storing results or investigate a fix"
I was starting from the point that there was probably something I could do about it rather than it being a bug in Prefect. Thanks for creating the issue!
I see, based on what you described this looked like a bug so it's worth investigating by an engineer - Results should work without having to configure any retries for that