Hi, I’m trying to deploy Prefect 2.0 on k8s (EKS) ...
# prefect-server
Hi, I’m trying to deploy Prefect 2.0 on k8s (EKS) using the default manifest provided by
prefect kubernetes manifest orion
and I’m facing some issues with the UI which seems to not be able to connect to the database (it’s empty). It’s a similar issue to this one but on k8s, not locally. The agent container communicates with the server container (API) just fine and is able to pick up flows. I’m also able to connect to the API via prefect CLI on my local machine, create work queues, deployments, trigger flows etc (which are then picked up by the k8s agent). But UI is empty and I’m not able to see/create e.g. worker queues. Any idea what I might be missing?
Yup, what's missing is starting Orion: prefect orion start
If you’re running the API in a container, you don’t need to run it again locally. You’ll need to set the
locally and the
in the container. These values should match.
tells the UI where to have clients (e.g. your web browser) make API requests to.
Thanks Michael. I had a similar issue when I haven't started Orion but started the UI separately in development mode 😄
Ah yeah that'd do it too :)
thanks both for the replies! but now I’m even more confused 😅 so I use this rendered template which to my understanding creates a single pod with two containers, one running the API, UI, db altogether, exposed as a k8s service on port 4200, and another container running an agent, pointing to that service via
. I then set
inside my local
(default profile) to
PREFECT_API_URL = "http://<POD-IP>:4200/api"
and this seems to be enough to query the API to create/get work queues, log flow runs, create deployments etc. When I open the same exact URL in my browser, I see prefect UI but there’s no data in there. Are you saying I also need to set
inside the
container? Isn’t it set to
by default? (and
by default is set to local inside the API container). To clarify, I do not interact with my local
at all (in fact I deleted it from
, so it doesn’t even exist), just the db running inside the pod
prefect orion start
locally does help in the sense that I’m able to interact with the k8s api at
but obviously I’d like to do it directly at
without running a server locally
Are you saying I also need to set
inside the
Yes, to the URL that users of the UI need to make API requests. This is because the requests to the API come from the user’s browser, not local to the UI pod.
We need to update the manifest to include a command to set that variable, the manifest command was written before the UI supported non-local connections.
🙏 thanks! all clear now, added the external URL to the api env and the UI is working now
🙌 1