Hello, community! I faced with so stupid problem ...
# prefect-community
Hello, community! I faced with so stupid problem and really have no idea what is going wrong… So when i try to register flow (using common_tasks from another module) there is an error
module not found
. Could you please help with it? ---> thread
Project structure looks like this: • root ◦ flows ▪︎ flow_1 • flow_1.py ▪︎ common_tasks.py The code in flow_1.py is like:
from flows import common_tasks as ct
After that I try to register this flow from
directory as follow:
prefect register -p flows/flow_1/flow_1.py --project x
And get an error:
Still not understand 😞 I try to run it locally (prefect server & prefect agent on macos)
So when I register flow.py it only puts the “flow.py” to storage, not its dependencies (~/.prefect/flows in my case)?
yes, that's correct
code dependencies are a separate issue and you can handle those using one of the solutions shared on Discourse
thanks a lot!! will try
👍 1