Hi everyone I am getting this error when trying to...
# prefect-server
Hi everyone I am getting this error when trying to register a flow in the cloud
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prefect.exceptions.AuthorizationError: Malformed response received from Cloud - please ensure that you are authenticated. See `prefect auth login --help
It also says it is a json error , after inspecting, the response gotten from the requests library is a huge html and not a json. My current config.toml file has worked for previous registrations in other projects. Does this sound familiar?
I think this error is really an API token thing. Is your api token expired? You could try:
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prefect auth logout
and logging back in. Maybe you are stuck between two tenants?
what's your prefect version? You may upgrade to the latest + recreate API key to ensure your API key and Prefect version are compatible
Thank you I had to log out before.
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