Is there a way to rename pipelines? Or "retire" th...
# prefect-community
Is there a way to rename pipelines? Or "retire" them? We have the old
that we want to somehow label that it is deprecated? And then change the one with test in its name to the new
? Or any suggested ways to do this?
Could you register your
with the flow name of
and the prod project? Or do you need to keep the deprecated pipeline?
Otherwise, I believe there is a task that can rename flows called RenameFlowRun()
Ideally I'd like to keep the old one so we have that history
Oh cool, I'll check that out!
so do I import this and then run this task within an already existing flow?
meaning I need to redploy the flow to include the task that renames?
an answer to the above questions would be appeciated 🙂
Hi Madison, sorry, I don't monitor this channel as closely as Anna and Kevin do, I was just subbing in for them for a few days. I went and testing the flow_run_name method. A flow run can be renamed either by calling the FlowRunRename task in the flow and passing in the flow_run_id and new name
Copy code
with Flow("flow") as flow:
   FlowRunRename({id}, "new_name")
or by making running a mutation query in the interactive api
Copy code
mutation {
  set_flow_run_name(input: {flow_run_id:{id}, name: "new_name"}) {
Unfortunately, this would only rename a single flow run, but not the flow itself. I believe it is possible to rename flow projects, but not rename a flow.
I would recommend registering the test pipeline to the prod flow. The prod history will be maintained in the previous versions. Other than that, we could open an issue/feature request
Ah so it doesn't rename the entire flow? Just one run of it? (the first option)
I was able to rename the project on the UI
hmm I included it in the flow but it doesn't look like the task is showing up on the UI
I wrote a simple flow called test_rename_flow and renamed the flow to new_name
Ah so it's just that one run? Instead of the random animal name?
👍 1
Darn ok thanks
👍 2