seeing this error: raise exceptions.from_http_stat...
# prefect-community
seeing this error: raise exceptions.from_http_status(response.status_code, message, response=response) google.api_core.exceptions.BadRequest: 400 PUT;upload_id=ADPycdtTsfUe4rNUbqxBn59GhS-wvYByENDQ_Sx0uT8u1ekPASue0EnpTYTZws2ULMcX3_rkBzdvnxf9ySecwbAhZzOK205Y4YOT: Invalid request. There were 22287 byte(s) in the request body. There should have been 22839 byte(s) (starting at offset 0 and ending at offset 22838) according to the Content-Range header.: ('Request failed with status code', 400, 'Expected one of', <HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.PERMANENT_REDIRECT: 308>) when trying to use script as storage with GCS
I personally haven’t seen this before. Is there a chance for some kind of syntax error?
not able to work with pipelines that were built on python 3.7 on vms with python 3.8 😞 😞
downgrading the python version is messing up the whole system.
this is not a prefect log though. it’s a bit hard to know what happened. if you could provide a minimal example script where you see this, that would help a lot