Morning! So Can someone help me understand the fol...
# prefect-community
Morning! So Can someone help me understand the following - I have been looking at the data returned from the GQL api about flow runs an I have noticed a peculiar thing - I see two versions of the same flow (on a schedule) running at the same time - so I have a current version flow_run and then one also for the previous version - this continued to happen once per hour (2x runs with diff params per hour) for 5 hours after the version bump - I am stumped 🤫
If I was guessing the fact it seems to be 10x more runs of the old version suggests to me that when the version is bumped the already scheduled runs of the old version are not cancelled?
The CI run that bumped the version happened at 2.55 pm (GMT) and then the doubled up flow runs starts happening at 3 pm (GMT) until 7 pm (GMT)
2x runs of each version per hour
Hey @Joshua Greenhalgh, i think I know what this is. We have an open issue where old flow versions with SLA or Automations are still being applied. This is related to some work being done on our deletion service. Will ask some team members and get back to you
@Kevin Kho thanks - I am not using any automations or SLA
Ok the issue is different but likely related. Will get back to you
We didn’t get to this cuz of other firefighting today but will pick it up in the morning