I am trying to run a flow through an ECS Agent on ...
# prefect-community
I am trying to run a flow through an ECS Agent on FARGATE. I have successfully deployed the prefect agent on cluster. But I'm unable to run a registered flow. I'm using prefect 1.2.2. Logs only say
Submitted for execution: Task arn:
Can anybody suggest a solution?
Do you have logs on the ECS side?
This is agent side logs. Do you have flow side logs?
Only this log
Then it gets restarted by lazarus
There are many reasons this could fail: 1. Flow doesn’t have needed role 2. Flow can’t pull from Storage 3. Image incompatibility This failure is happening between ECS launching the task and the Flow starting so there are no more flow logs. I suggest you add ECS logs like this to get more ECS logs into CloudWatch to figure out what the specific error is
Note you have to create the log group
Thanks @Kevin Kho I found it. The issue was with different python runtimes. I solved it
👍 1