Hi guys, after 2 days of trying to register my flo...
# prefect-community
Hi guys, after 2 days of trying to register my flow via gitlabCI I gave up, please help! here's my ci:
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   stage: build
   # image: prefecthq/prefect:latest-python3.9
     DOCKER_HOST: <tcp://localhost:2375>
   # image: python:3.9.13-buster
   image: google/cloud-sdk
     - docker:19.03.1-dind
     - pip3 install prefect
     - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file /tmp/$CI_PIPELINE_ID.json
     - gcloud config set project my project
     # - gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr
     - gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet
     - prefect auth login -k mytoken
     - cd ./asin2vec_pipeline/asin2vec
     - pip3 install -r requirements.txt
     - prefect register --project "onboarding" --path flow.py --name "asin2vec_v2"
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as you can see, tried with images: prefecthq/prefect:latest-python3.9, cloudsdk, and python.

with all had the same error:       InterruptedError: denied: Permission "artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts" denied on resource "projects/myproject/locations/us-central1/repositories/data-pipelines" (or it may not exist)
to be clear, locally it works, when I authenticate with this service account.
Sorry to hear you struggle with this CI. Could you share a walkthrough of which steps did you take and what was the result of each attempt (e.g. as a GitHub gist)? often, it's really helpful to write it all down With GitLab, we've seen some users struggling with setting up permissions - here is how you can set that up and test it locally For Google Artifact registry check this CI example (or in the worst case perhaps you can switch to GitHub Actions then?)
I'm not quite sure I understand your question, within the flow itself I try to deploy it to vertexAI
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flow.run_config = VertexRun(machine_type='n2-highcpu-80', labels=["ml"],
and that's how the flow config looks like
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with Flow(f'asin2vec_v2',
                         dockerfile="./Dockerfile"), executor=LocalDaskExecutor(scheduler="processes")) as flow:
and again, locally it works
I'm trying to collect more information in order to figure out what's missing in your setup - currently I don't have enough info to say what's wrong The error you got indicates a permission issue with the Artifact registry - did you check whether your agent has permission to pull that Docker image? Usually you would need to do something like: docker login -u username -p password, and then start a Docker agent so that this agent is authenticated to pull the image from your registry
Or given that you currently use Vertex agent, your Vertex execution layer needs to be authenticated with that Artifact registry
What do you mean when you say it works locally - do you mean a locally running Docker agent or locally running Vertex agent process, or do you mean flow.run()?
I’ll clarify - Im trying to register flows via CI-CD and not but running “prefect register” from my own mac. When running “prefect register” with service account X - it all works and the flow gets registered. When doing the same thing in the Ci - I get this permission error. Hope its clear now
ok, so your CI is not authenticated to push the image to the registry - if you're on GitHub Actions, try adding this step before pushing the image:
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# Copy and paste the contents of the Service Account JSON file into the secret <https://github.com/marketplace/actions/authenticate-to-google-cloud#authenticating-via-service-account-key-json-1>
      - name: Authenticate to GCP
        uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v0.7.1'
          credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS }}'
          create_credentials_file: true
so that’s the thing, I’m on gitlab, and I can’t find this example for gitlab, and I literally tried everything
I think this is something you can perhaps raise in GCP Slack? https://googlecloud-community.slack.com/
haven’t you got an example for prefect register via gitlabCI?